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New Year's Book Resolutions 2025

The Little Bookshop
Image "New Year's Book Resolutions'

Last year in January, we had our last meetings before getting the keys of our brick-and-mortar in February. Sometimes, it feels like yesterday. Our resolutions were focused on the bookshop, while our New Year's Resolutions 2025 are focused on reading!


Lots of Book Bragons have a reading goal. I try setting a reading goal per month - but I know these plans always change. Sometimes a new book gets out and I want to read it right away, sometimes someone advises me to read it and I drop my list and check out the book. I think the "Read More" resolution should be "Read more... what you want". It's important having fun while you read so don't worry about the number! Read something you want and you love!

Listen more

Since October, we partnered up with, an independent audiobooks company. They have a great selection, wonderful deals, and they have a big heart for authors and their customers. I started with 'The Message' by Ta-Nehisi Coates - which is a great read and since then I discovered so many other books/authors. My goal for this year is to listen more and to write reviews about these audiobooks.

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Analyze more

Okay, admitting, I'm not good with numbers. That's why I opened a bookshop and why I'm not a math teacher. However, I do love to see all the books I've been reading. Slowly, I'm trying to convert our Book Dragons to StoryGraph. The perfect platform to find recommendations, to add titles to your TBR-pile, and very impportant: to look at statistics. So this is actually not a resolution I have to work hard for but I just wish more people know of this great platform. The app is also sooo easy to use (and when I say it, it is true, because like my numbers my technology skills are faaaarrr behind). So if you don't know it yet, please help me with this resolution "Analyze more... how to get more Book Dragons on StoryGraph".

Create a community

Technically, this is not a New Year's Resolution but it is part of our goal of the bookshop in 2025 - and all the next years. We want to create a community of Book Dragons. People who can share their passion with each other. That's why we organize our Book Clubs: it gives everyone a place to talk about something we all love BOOKS! We want to continue with this, we even added an extra expert Book Club per month! We also want to grow and see if there are more events you're interested in.

Image "Read More What You Want to Read"

As you can see, plenty of New Year's Book Resolutions that are not too far-stretched. I think we can all agree: it's not a big challenge to read the books we want to read. Seriously, I just hope that everyone realizes that you don't need to read 400 books a year (unless you can, then go for it ;)). You need to read what makes you happy, and even if it is sometimes only one book per month. It is about the story that captures you, the time you're with the characters, and the joy you have when you read it. The most important is that you read books that matter to you!

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